New Vision for Agriculture

The World Economic Forum is a platform for discussion on society’s future, but also on world nutrition and the basic developments in agriculture. This includes also shifting in consumer behavior to eat healthy diets. In 2017 the Forum mentioned 5 innovations which will transform the lives of smallholder farmers: 

  1. Improved access to electricity to increase efficiency and reduce food loss 
  2. Increased internet connectivity to access information and knowledge to improve productivity on their farms 
  3. Mobile devices and platforms connect smallholder farmers to markets 
  4. Unique identifiers improve data about farmers, for farmers 
  5. Geospatial analysis to help farmers make informed decisions 
An introduction on future challenges is shown in the YouTube-video here:

BovINE aims to spread innovations to the community of beef cattle farmers via the BovINE knowledge hub.  

Here are some examples how technology is changing farming and how this can improve cattle farming tremendously:    

  • Researchers are working to develop real-time data processing algorithms that can be used to determine the reproductive status, health and the productivity of cattle. 
  • Technology that allows farmers to automatically monitor their livestock means they will be able to collect more information with less effort. Linking the information to automatic management systems will further reduce the time farmers spend working with cattle.  
  • Precision livestock management data systems will require farmers that can capture the benefits from large complex datasets. i.e. managing the technology that can manage cattle. 
  • Agricultural training programs need to provide the next generation of farmers with skills to capitalise on the benefits of digitally enabled automated monitoring and management systems. 

For anybody who is interested in the future of agriculture, have a look at the following link from the World Economic Forum platform:  


Beef Innovation Network Europe

© BovINE, all rights reserved unless stated otherwise.

Please address all mail to:

FAO: Maeve Henchion
The BovINE Project 
Teagasc Ashtown Food Research Centre
Dublin 15
D15 KN3K






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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 rural
renaissance programme   |   Project No: 862590 under call H2020-RUR-2019-15

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