BovINE magazines published in nine national languages

Project news plus solutions to sustainability challenges feature in each issue

Available in English, French, Italian, Estonian, German, Belgian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Polish, each of the four-page country magazines provides information about the current situation of cattle farming in each country, plus the grass root needs collected directly from farmers. 

Details of the practical solutions identified to help address these needs to drive sustainability and resilience are provided alongside country specific activities, contacts and partner information. Available to view online, each magazine can be downloaded as a pdf to be consulted and shared directly.

Visit the BovINE website and click on the national flag icons on the home page to access the magazines.

Irish country supp

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Beef Innovation Network Europe

© BovINE, all rights reserved unless stated otherwise.

Please address all mail to:

FAO: Maeve Henchion
The BovINE Project 
Teagasc Ashtown Food Research Centre
Dublin 15
D15 KN3K

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 rural
renaissance programme   |   Project No: 862590 under call H2020-RUR-2019-15